Electric motor test
Electric motor test system
Electric motor test:
In order to check the quality and specifications of products in the world, various standards are always defined, and rotary equipment is no exception to this rule. The 1-3772 standard in Iran is a procedure that deals with quality control and approval of these equipments. Electric motors, as a type of rotating equipment, should be tested according to the mentioned standard in order to obtain a reliable report of the various quantities of the motor. In order to obtain a reliable report of the performance of the electric motor, it is necessary to use accurate equipment that can follow the standard instructions in a practical and correct way during the execution of the test. In addition to this ease of use, flexibility and long life, among other characteristics of ,a good test system, Dinamotors Power Development Company’s electric motor test system can measure the following quantities according to the 1-3772 standard.
Input and output power (up to 500 kW, according to the user’s needs)
rotational speed
power factor
According to the customer’s needs, by equipping this system with advanced measuring tools, other quantities of the electric motor can be measured according to the world standards.
List of electric drive tests:
- Durability tests and product life under maximum load
- Functional tests
- Obtaining functional graphs s1 to S10
- Test using a user-specified load chart
- Obtain the engine efficiency chart
- Obtain the engine specification chart
- Quality control of engine production
- Conducting EN 60034-2-1 and EN 60034-2-3 standard tests